Day 30 - Happy Meal

As I scour the neighboring shops for supplies, I manage to find a few batteries, some medicines, some other useful stuffs, and a happy meal - that made me smile for a bit, but it didn't last too long, there's no nuggets.

As I head back to my safe house, behind the security of the metal doors, I took a little detour. The sun is almost up, its near noon, I still have 5 to 6 hours of daylight left - so why waste it, I said to my self.

I headed down a couple more blocks, seems like this area is rather deserted... no humans, no things... no life... except for me, who is probably is dead inside by now.

I looked around for a bit more; decided to head back; I better rest up for now, eat, and prepare myself...

For I am frightened, that to this day, I have not seen any of those things... yet


  1. do what u want couse a pirate is free!You're a Pirate!!
    cool!suppin bro :)
    check both my blogs are interesting! ;)

  2. Well, this is an interesting idea for a blog.

  3. Lol interesting idea indeed bunnySMG :P

  4. good luck fellow survivor! i don't know how my internet is still working.

  5. No nuggets make Survivor something something

  6. Always important to keep the calorie up, especially as you're always on the move!

  7. This is great, well written. If you get lonely you can draw a face on your happy meal box and talk to it like a person! Cool blog bro.

  8. i cant fucking wait for the months conclusion...

  9. nice post!;)
    i like it;)
    supportin & follow you;)
